onsdag 2 januari 2013

I was requested to translate and google did the job for me...

TUESDAY January 1st 2013

A new year, a chance to reflect on the old and fantasize about all the fun things you want to achieve next year!
2012 was for me a truly amazing year, I began to feel at home in Mexico City, we were planning a wedding that was so wonderful success, we had visitors from Sweden and we moved into a new apartment, which is certainly very cold, but has a great planning and is centrally located in Mexico City and we really enjoy living in it in! For next year I want to take it easy, live creatively and passionately, become a better teacher and enjoy our first year as a married couple. I also look forward to a trip to Sweden this summer!

Here's the day after New Year revelry, I surf around on various blogs and get inspired to start afresh. There are so many things I would like to do, but I have chosen three goals that I really should try to do this year:

1. Discovering new parts of Mexico and to document it
I've noticed lately that I would get stuck in a rut and do the same things. This is partly why I have not been so good at updating my blog and upload photos on Facebook. I simply think that I'm doing the same things all the time. But, this is the end of it! Now I challenge my comfort zone and discover something new here in Mexico City, Mexico at least once a month. One challenge is that I want to record both in writing and pictures.

2 Writing on my blog more regularly
Another of my goals was to write on the blog (which frankly has been dead for a while) at least once a week. I can imagine that this will be really easy for me in January, but then comes the real challenge! To hold on and continue with what you have set as a goal. The reason I want to be a more active blogger, I sometimes feel that I'm bad at keeping in touch with people in Sweden, and that blogging is an easier way to share my everyday life than writing emails. To actually continue blogging, I should think of a reward I give myself every time I have done a good month! Do you have any suggestions?

3 Take advantage of the amount of fruits and vegetables that exist in this country
This means I will try to cook most meals with fresh vegetables and fruits to use include making smoothies and desserts. I also want to learn new recipes (at least 10), and maybe even create your own. I've thought of one thing you could do with tuna and chiptle chili in!

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